The need for rememberance


I went into the hills again to remind myself of the colours of autumn.
The yellows, oranges, golds.
The smell of wood smoke drifting in the air, and decaying leaves - of pine and mustiness
Of the river - its smell, light and sound.
Water has an indescribable smell - I cannot describe it - I'm not even sure if it is a pleasurable scent except perhaps to the thirsty.

I hear the sound of dry leaves clattering.

I collect all these in my minds eye and bring them back to the little room I call my studio.
I try to translate them into marks and colours.

I also collect conkers (a glut this year) in order to pot them up and  produce saplings in the spring - ready to be returned to the valley.

All these things dim the horror and bring the good things to remembrance.

